Project Management
Lumar has a well-established Project Management model that can be tailored to each client engagement.
The primary objectives of our Project Management model is to manage risk, deliver high quality services and provide a value-added feedback process to our team leaders and client representatives. Project Management reviews are also intended to monitor client performance to ensure that ALL participants are contributing to the success of the project. Client debriefing sessions are held with management to facilitate open communication. The client officially acknowledges milestones at the delivery points of scoping, design, system testing, and go-live preparation in order to formally document client acceptance and satisfaction.
Our Quality Assurance process, within Project Management, begins with proposal development and continues throughout the life of the project, concluding with a structured “End-of-Job” Quality Assurance Review and Customer Engagement Satisfaction Assessment. Within the early portion of the process is a project risk assessment that accounts for the unique nature of the project and results in a QA Plan that defines the frequency of QA Reviews for the duration of the project.
The process is structured to identify project issues and concerns that require attention or corrective actions, and a follow-up process to insure appropriate resolution. The review process also includes a direct customer feedback element to allow the client to comment on project progress or related concerns throughout the project life in a manner that provides for the implementation of timely corrective actions.